Friday, December 16, 2011

Should I Text My Ex

Should I Text My Ex Boyfriend
If you are wondering should I text my ex, chances are you want him back. You are looking for a reason to make contact and you sit there and think what could you text him to make him want you back or to get his attention. You are hoping he will reply and somehow make you feel better. The fact is if he broke up with you pretty recently, he will see right through about any text you send. He will see it as the lame excuse it is. This does not portray you in a very attractive light to say the least.

If you are going to text your ex, timing is everything. Do it too soon and you may very well kill any chances of reconciliation. It may put pressure on him and pressure does not endear you to a man. He may feel guilt. If you want an ex back, causing him to feel negative feeling won't do it. It's best to wait after a break up to text him and I don't mean a day or two. I mean weeks. Give your emotions and his time to cool down. Texting him when emotions are high will only make matters worse.

If you do wait and text him, it's important to know what to text him to rekindle those old feelings of when things were good. Men really do remember the good times over the bad time after some time has passed. If you text the wrong thing, you may just be handing him a reminder that yes he did the right thing by ending it. It's critical that when you text him it's not to talk about the relationship or what went wrong. There are right and wrong things to say in a text. Say the wrong thing and he may not even answer. Ouch. Say the right thing though and you can very likely open back up the communication.

If you are texting him in order to get answers or just to reach out and touch him, step away from the phone. This does not get him back. This is you wanting to feel better. You are hurting and your ego needs validation. The opposite is very likely to occur should you text your ex. He may not answer. He may answer and be very brief. Chances are good if you text him too soon and too much, you will do more harm than good.

There are ways to text your ex. I have heard some even say that if you do it right, you can text your ex back with the right timing and the right text messages.

5 Signs He Is Going To Break Up

It's scary, when you feel your boyfriend growing distant.  You begin to worry is he going to break up with me.  There are signs that he may in fact be losing that loving feeling.

1.  You gut is your first sign.  If you sense something is wrong and it persists for more than a couple of days, this is your very first sign.  Listen to your gut, it's usually right. 

2.  His texting and calling become more infrequent.  Maybe he used to text you every morning and he suddenly stops.

3.  He is doing more and more with his buddies and doesn't include you. 

4.  He breaks dates.  Says he is tired or stressed or some other excuse.

5.  He is short when he does call.  Maybe there are long moments of silence.  He gets off the phone fast.

These are just a few signs and if you are seeing them, get prepared and find out how to win him back if he does leave.  There are many things you could do if not prepared that will just push him further away.  Becoming emotional and crying, calling and texting obsessively will not get him to stay.  

Prevention is the key.  Don't hold on tighter, it only makes him want to run faster.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why did He Come In My Life?

I get a lot of emails from a lot of women asking me this question.  Why did he come into my life?  These are women who are struggling through a break up and letting go.  They have so many whys but the Why did he come into my life to just leave me is a big one.  Here is my answer to the latest.  I hope it helps.  She asked specifically:

Don't all exes come back at some point?  I can't let go because I didn't get closure with him. Why did the Universe send this man into my life? 

To teach you how to let go. To teach you that letting go isn't an end but a beginning. To prepare you for your next love or a greater life purpose. The reasons he is or was in your life are unnumbered.

No not all exes come back. I have one that I love dearly, it's been 3 years. Sure I have seen and talked to him, but he never came back.

Closure can not come from a man, it comes from inside you. Funny, just recently the man I just knew was the man for me that would never step up recently mailed me with all of his regrets and apologies. I always thought that would make me feel better, give me closure, but it didn't. They are just words, words that just confirmed to me that is all it ever was. Words. Without actions and forward movement, they mean very little.

Here is some tough love for you. All those reasons you just gave for not letting go are excuses. They hold you prisoner. If you met someone tomorrow that blew your socks off, you would make time and room. You have time to ponder over this man that isn't or hasn't been present in your life in a long time. Imagine how your life would expand if you invested that energy into something or someone that could give back to you that which you long for.

Invest that energy into you, deeply get to know you. The reward will be priceless, I promise.

Texting Your Ex

Thursday, December 1, 2011

When Your Heart Is Breaking Over Him

If you are going through a break up, it's awful I know.  The pain and the longing is often unbearable.  You feel so very alone.  No one really knows how sad you are or how you feel.  You wish you could sleep through it.  Some tell you to just get over it, life goes on.  These words don't seem to help at all.  It's not that simple.  You loved him with all your heart and now he is gone and nothing fills the void.

It is said that time heals all wounds.  Yes this is true.  Why do some heal faster than others though.  Some move on in a matter of months, while others hang onto the past for years.  Why is this?  Is it that those hanging on loved harder or deeper?  I don't think so.

I think those that hold on longer perhaps and this is just a theory, but perhaps something inside of them is more broken, something that has little to do with the man that left them.  There is a part of themselves that needs some healing.  I mean after all, it's you that's feeling the pain.  It's you that holds on to a love that no longer fills you with joy, but with pain.  Why would one do such a thing?  Do you not love you more than this?

Consider taking a minute and listening to your inner child and what it is saying to you.  It's saying:

Why are you doing this to me?  Why do you spend so much time crying over a man who is no longer present in your life while I sit here all alone.  I want to come out and play with you.  I want you to love me, yet you don't, you waste your love on him, while I sit here hurting and in pain.  Why do you neglect me so?  I have been here, sitting in this corner all along yet you don't see me.  I need you far more than he does.  I love you far more than he ever did or will, can you please come home and love me back.  Take care of me as only you can.  There is no other that knows me like you do, there is no other that can love me like you do.  There is no other that can love you like I can.  I want to smile, laugh and feel joy in the sunshine with you again.  Please come home and get me.  I will never leave you.

Embrace that inner child.  Love her again, get to know her again.  Laugh, play, nurture and grow her.  She needs you.  She is number one.

This truly is the key to moving on I am convinced.  Loving yourself.  We love others and when we see them hurting, it breaks our hearts.  So why aren't we heartbroken for our inner child and self.  Why do we neglect her?  Why do we allow another such power over us and her?  Discover your heart's truth.

365 Days of Love