First off it your guy says he wants a break, chances are good something isn't feeling right. It could be a number of things. He may feel smothered, he may feel you are clinging too tightly. If your guy wants a break though, first thing you have to do is gracefully give it to him. You don't want to bombard him with questions like why, how long, etc...
If you bombard him with questions, and hold on tighter, well he is going to see you as clingy. This just reinforces why he probably wants the break in the first place. Asking questions just pushes him away. It offers him reinforcement of why he wants to take a break.
Another thing that asking questions such as "How long of a break do you need?", you are showing yourself in an unfavorable light and yes you just may lose him forever. This lets him know for sure that you will do anything to keep him and he has the power in the relationship and has full say in dictating the terms of your relationship.
When your boyfriend wants a break, why should you be the one sitting and waiting for him to make up his mind? It's really not fair to you. Think about this. Have you ever decided you wanted to break up with a guy before, but were riddled with guilt so you let him down gently. You yourself may have said those words, I need a break, just to buy yourself some time to figure out how to dump him and feel less guilt. More times than not, this is exactly what is happening.
If you want to reverse this break up in the makings, you have to let him go. No pleading, begging, asking why why why. This just shows insecurity and kills what little attraction he has left for you. You tell him you understand and will respect his wishes, but aren't comfortable in limbo land and that you too will take advantage of the break to decide what you want as well.
Talk about turning the tables. Now who is drifting out of reach? You are. This does a strange thing to a man. It earns his respect and often after a few weeks, he starts to wonder what you are doing and why all of a sudden you are alright without him. It earns his respect because you put your own well being before his.
There is nothing more of a burden to a man than you putting him first. It's really a turn off for a man, he sees you as a doormat. This puts the responsibility of your happiness on him and it's really just too much. If you have made a man the center of your universe, it's no wonder he wants a break.
Bottom line here, let him take his break and you take yours. Respect his request, because if you don't, in a way you are telling him you really don't care what he wants, it's all about what you want. This is disrespectful when you really think about it. If your boyfriend wants to take a break, don't waste your time using words to stop him. Men just don't respond to words. It's actions and distance that melts the ice in their heart.
If your boyfriend wants a break, chances really are more likely that he is thinking of permanent. A committed man will not leave you to take a break. If he wants a break, more often that not a break up is about to follow. Get ready girl.
To turn this break around and not lose your man, it's critical to be prepared. If you don't want to lose him to another or forever, get your plan together now.
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