Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why Your Ex Won't Talk to You

Friday, January 10, 2014

Does No Contact Work Getting Your Ex Back

Does no contact work in getting your ex back?  Let me just say this.  There is no guarantee that no contact will get your ex back, but it sure will increase your odds.  It also beats the alternative risk of coming across as an emotional desperate wreck with no control over herself or her emotions that calls and texts him wanting to talk or begging for closure or reassurance.

When a guy first breaks up with you, your emotions are all over the place.  You can't make good decisions from a place of emotions.  They get in the way.  You do and say things that you regret.  You come across in an unattractive light.  This turns him off.  He is more likely to feel pity than love and I know you don't want that.

No contact gives you time to get your head together and gain some balance. A guy will notice your absence as well.  No contact gives him the space to miss you and to think about you.  If you keep after him by remaining in contact, he  may only think about how annoying you are.

If you want your ex back, no contact really is your best bet.  In the beginning, he is likely to remember more of the bad things in your relationship.  Over time, it's been proven, people start to remember the good.  Give him the space to do so.  

The absolute very best resource on no contact is available by Bob Grant.  He explains exactly how no contact works and explains how it can get your ex back.  You can download it here.