Wednesday, October 5, 2011

If It Wern't for My Ex Boyfriend Dumping Me......

I would not be on the path I am on.  Sure I went through the crying, depression, not wanting to get out of bed.  I wondered "why", countless times.  I lost a ton of weight.  I was angry and hurt.  I wanted him back.  I even got him back once, but alas, he dumped me a second time.  This weighed heavy on my ego to say the least.  Being dumped is a knock down, I don't care who you are. 

Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing.  The break up set my life as I know it now in motion.  I had to call upon great inner strength and self control many a days.  Though it was no fun, it was nice to again meet that strength, and an inspiration to keep me going that I did have a lot of strength.  Learning self control has turned out to be a great blessing that has carried to other parts of my life in a good way.  Had my ex boyfriend stayed, this would have remained stagnant in me for who knows how long.

These last 3 years have been the most exciting in my life so far.  I had a whirl wind romance and landed in Vegas.  I met 4 complete stangers (women) in Atlantic and New York City for 5 days.  I met them online in a break up forum.  I had a bitter sweet e-affair that I will never forget.  He taught me so much or rather I learned so much from him.  I went on countless dates with interesting men that better helped me decide what I do want in a relationship, really want.  I have had weekends at the beach with my best girlfriends.  I have connected with amazing people every where.  I can't help but wonder if I had stayed with my ex boyfriend if any of this would have transpired.  I think I know the answer to that.

In the process of it all, my career path changed as well.  I had always been in the cooperate world.  I begin to like my freedom, even embraced it in time.  I wanted it in all areas of my life, and I wanted to do something worth while.  Hence now I write articles on break ups, relationships, dating, flirting, you name it.  I like to think I am making a difference and earning a modest living in the process.  I am very very happy doing what I do.  My ex boyfriend would have thought I was crazy.  I was dabbling with it when we broke up.  Would I have stopped it all for him, shiver to think this.

Last but not least, I have a man in my life that supports me in all I do.  He is my cheerleader.  Had it not been for my ex boyfriend, I would have missed him in my life. 

Moral here.  What seems like hopelessness and despair really isn't.  There is a much bigger picture, a much bigger plan and it's way bigger than your ex boyfriend.  Embrace your freedom, doors are waiting to be opened now.  There is life after what's his name, I promise.

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