Thursday, December 1, 2011

When Your Heart Is Breaking Over Him

If you are going through a break up, it's awful I know.  The pain and the longing is often unbearable.  You feel so very alone.  No one really knows how sad you are or how you feel.  You wish you could sleep through it.  Some tell you to just get over it, life goes on.  These words don't seem to help at all.  It's not that simple.  You loved him with all your heart and now he is gone and nothing fills the void.

It is said that time heals all wounds.  Yes this is true.  Why do some heal faster than others though.  Some move on in a matter of months, while others hang onto the past for years.  Why is this?  Is it that those hanging on loved harder or deeper?  I don't think so.

I think those that hold on longer perhaps and this is just a theory, but perhaps something inside of them is more broken, something that has little to do with the man that left them.  There is a part of themselves that needs some healing.  I mean after all, it's you that's feeling the pain.  It's you that holds on to a love that no longer fills you with joy, but with pain.  Why would one do such a thing?  Do you not love you more than this?

Consider taking a minute and listening to your inner child and what it is saying to you.  It's saying:

Why are you doing this to me?  Why do you spend so much time crying over a man who is no longer present in your life while I sit here all alone.  I want to come out and play with you.  I want you to love me, yet you don't, you waste your love on him, while I sit here hurting and in pain.  Why do you neglect me so?  I have been here, sitting in this corner all along yet you don't see me.  I need you far more than he does.  I love you far more than he ever did or will, can you please come home and love me back.  Take care of me as only you can.  There is no other that knows me like you do, there is no other that can love me like you do.  There is no other that can love you like I can.  I want to smile, laugh and feel joy in the sunshine with you again.  Please come home and get me.  I will never leave you.

Embrace that inner child.  Love her again, get to know her again.  Laugh, play, nurture and grow her.  She needs you.  She is number one.

This truly is the key to moving on I am convinced.  Loving yourself.  We love others and when we see them hurting, it breaks our hearts.  So why aren't we heartbroken for our inner child and self.  Why do we neglect her?  Why do we allow another such power over us and her?  Discover your heart's truth.

365 Days of Love

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